What is PBIS?
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a way for schools to encourage positive behaviors. With PBIS, schools teach behavioral expectations, must as they would teach about other subjects such as reading or math. The focus of PBIS is prevention, not punishment.
With the cooperation of students, staff and parents, PBIS will enhance our current practices and change our culture for the better.
What can you do to help your child be Rebel Ready?
- Ask your child about their day
- Provide a quiet time and space for homework
- Communicate with your child's teacher
- Encourage your child to be respectful, responsible and safe
- Practice respectful phrases such as "thank you," "excuse me," and "please"
- Every day, ask your child if they were "Rebel Ready"
About Us
Principal: Dawn Cooley
Assistant Principal: Danielle WheelerPBIS Team: Megan Mattice, Crystal Fallows, Brittany House, Danielle Sierotnik
We want all of our students to be "Rebel Ready." Students have been taught the expectations for the buses, hallways, classrooms, cafeteria, playground, and bathrooms.
Every 10 weeks, we will have a "Rebel Ready Rally" to acknowledge those students who have completed school work and have displayed Rebel Ready behaviors. Students who do not attend the rally will be provided with re-teaching lessons focusing on how to be Rebel Ready (Respectful, Responsible and Safe).